Theory of Change

It’s time to prove the positive impact skateboarding can have!

Before we get into the fun stuff, here’s a bit of background to this project and who’s behind it.

The Goodpush Alliance is an initiative by Skateistan to support and share knowledge among social skateboarding projects worldwide, so that we can make a bigger impact together.

The Goodpush Alliance is the first face-to-face and online network for the 800+ skateboarding-based social projects in more than 100 countries, working with 20,000+ youth worldwide.

Goodpush and collective impact

Since the Goodpush Alliance was launched in 2018, one of the key areas we’ve been supporting our community in is monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL). MEL is the way that we ensure we are doing good work, improving our practices, and it allows us to prove this to others.

Now, Goodpush is aiming to bring together a global network of social skateboarding groups to measure the impact of inclusive education and skateboarding activities for youth and marginalized communities.

MEL (Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning) capacity is crucial for both program quality and organizational sustainability via fundraising. By co-creating a shared measurement system with several social skateboarding organizations that are part of the Goodpush Alliance, we can make data collection easier and more aligned. This will help to demonstrate the collective change that skateboarding initiatives are making worldwide!

The process so far

In February this year, a dozen organizations working across 15 countries connected to sketch out a big-picture plan for tracking the awesome impact of the social skateboarding movement worldwide.

Through some virtual brainstorming sessions, we whipped up version one of what could become the global framework. But we need the broader social skate community's input on whether this draft is reflecting everyone's work on the ground.

Your feedback is key for making sure this plan represents the full scene, not just a few organizations.


The Goodpush ‘TOC’

A Theory of Change (TOC) visually maps out the big picture of how the activities you do will create the change you want to see. A TOC shows how all the different pieces fit together to create positive change.

The Goodpush Theory of Change focuses on:

  • The key activities we do: including skateboarding programs, but also things like training staff/volunteers, giving out equipment or meals, and lots more!

  • The step-by-step improvements needed in people's lives to achieve Goodpush's long-term vision of impact around the world

The steps shown are the positive changes that social skateboarding projects and other groups need to make happen to achieve the overall impact goal.

Let’s look at a TOC example

Here is an example of an old Skateistan Theory of Change depicting how the short, medium and long term outcomes of running regular skateboarding activities lead to impact


Skateboarding for positive change

The Goodpush TOC shows how change affects different communities within multiple levels of the whole ecosystem. The image shows these ecosystem levels:

Common themes for social change

The Goodpush Alliance brings together social skateboarding projects from diverse communities and contexts, each with its own unique approach. While the day-to-day activities may look different, many projects share common goals and themes. Not every project addresses all of these themes, but they generally aim to make skateboarding more accessible, safe, and welcoming for everyone, especially marginalized children and youth who are often left out.

This Theory of Change highlights three main themes that resonate across various social skateboarding initiatives. By focusing on these themes together, we strive to strengthen the Goodpush Alliance and improve how we collaborate to create positive change through skateboarding.

Skateboarding for Education

This area of focus aims to help young people gain skills they can use in different situations, for example getting an education, finding a job, or starting their own business.

Skateboarding for Inclusion

This area focuses on how projects work towards improving equality, diversity and inclusion through their programs.

This area focuses on how projects increase access to safe, inclusive skateboarding opportunities, increase physical activity, and improve mental health and wellbeing.

Skateboarding for Health

Goodpush TOC Pathways

And below… we have outlined the step-by-step change processes as Theory of Change ‘Pathways’ based on these three common themes of Education, Health and Inclusion.

This is where you come in…

We need you to provide feedback on the area you most closely align with so that a final Theory of Change can be created.

We understand that many of your organizations work on more than one of these pathways, and maybe even all three. But we know your time is valuable, so we are asking you to just choose the most important one for your organization. However, if you have extra time, you are welcome to fill out the survey more than once to give feedback on multiple pathways for positive change through skateboarding.

Skateboarding for Education Pathway

As you read through the upcoming pathway, take note of anything you feel is missing or could be improved. You can add your suggestions via the survey link at the bottom of this page.

Skateboarding for Education Pathway



(What we do)

Short Term Outcomes

Increased access to, and participation in skateboarding especially for disadvantaged and marginalized groups

Participants share fun, positive experiences and increased social interactions

Participants feel safe and inspired to participate

Increased access to informal (& formal) education and training opportunities

Increased access to education mentoring support

Mid Term Outcomes

Long Term Outcomes

Acquire and apply life skills e.g. plan and set goals; creative and critical thinking; leadership skills

Acquire and apply transferable employability skills e.g. public speaking, team playing, digital, financial literacy

Increased motivation for continued enrolment in formal education systems

Increased access to volunteering & work experience

Reintegration of youth out of school and training

More people in sustainable employment

Improved educational attainment e.g. literacy and numeracy

More children and youth complete school

More children and youth are role models in their community

Intended impact

Communities in which education is valued and children and youth (especially disadvantaged populations) have the opportunity and skills to improve their livelihoods and wellbeing, and that of their families.

Skateboarding sessions/lessons

Vocational training


Quality informal or formal education

Leadership training / volunteer program

Mentoring and homework help

Outreach and referrals (ie. mental health)

Providing equipment and food

Building education and/or skateboarding facilities

Increased self-esteem, confidence, motivation and aspiration (to leverage abilities and skills)

New social interaction and social networks established

Improved attendance and retention in informal (and formal) training and educational programs

Recognition of relevant strengths and skills in children and youth

Improvement in concentration and performance levels

Skateboarding for Education Pathway


Intervention Assumptions

  • Children want to take part

  • Sharing space fosters community and promotes understanding

  • Regular skateboarding in a safe environment fosters confidence and life skills

Contextual Assumptions

  • Participants can travel to and from programs

  • Skateparks and facilities exist

  • Funding opportunities for the program exists

Domino Effect Assumptions

  • Skate program participation keeps kids out of trouble

  • Skate & Life Skills programs break barriers for youth success

  • Skate program leadership skills transfer to education/career

  • Program participants will gain meaningful, sustainable employment

Skateboarding for Inclusion Pathway

As you read through the upcoming pathway, take note of anything you feel is missing or could be improved. You can add your suggestions via the survey link at the bottom of this page.

Skateboarding for Inclusion Pathway



(What we do)

Long Term Outcomes

Mid Term Outcomes

Short Term Outcomes

Intended impact

A sense of belonging and social connectedness across communities, where all forms of discrimination are challenged and there is equitable access to opportunities

Increased self-esteem, confidence, motivation and aspiration (to leverage abilities and skills)

Increased awareness, knowledge, and understanding of the benefits of skateboarding for development and human rights

New inclusive social interactions and networks are established

Mutual trust and enhanced understanding and empathy among people from different backgrounds and life circumstances

Improved life skills e.g. plan and set goals; creative and critical thinking; leadership skills

Acquire and apply transferable employability skills e.g. public speaking, team playing, digital, financial literacy

Increased social connectedness, sense of belonging and community spirit.

Reduced social isolation

Increased tolerance of and trust between people from different backgrounds & communities

More marginalized individuals in leadership positions in community

More marginalized individuals in education, employment, and training

Marginalized individuals are empowered to take informed decisions about their lives, health, and education

Skateparks and spaces are inclusive and accessible to all (including toilet facilities)

More marginalized individuals have access to skateboarding and educational programming

More men advocate for girls and women’s empowerment

Skateboarding sessions/lessons

Vocational training


Quality informal or formal education

Leadership training / volunteer program

Mentoring and homework help

Outreach and referrals (ie. mental health)

Providing equipment and food

Building education and/or skateboarding facilities

Increased access to, and participation in skateboarding, especially for disadvantaged and marginalized groups

Participants share fun, positive experiences and increased social interactions

Participants feel safe and inspired to participate

Increased social cohesion between participants of all genders

Community elders are aware of the impact of early marriage and other human rights issues

Skateboarding for Education Pathway


Intervention Assumptions

  • Marginalized participants feel safe joining the program

  • Staff and youth leaders from same backgrounds as participants will be better able to support them

  • If you train instructors on inclusive language, they will use it

  • Dedicated spaces are more inclusive for marginalized groups

  • Free, public, safe spaces are available for program

Contextual Assumptions

  • Marginalized youth have access to program

  • It is safe to promote inclusive sessions (ie mixed gender, LGBTIQ)

  • Women/girls feel safe & comfortable participating in skate program within their cultural contexts

Domino Effect Assumptions

  • Role Models lead to better and longer participation

  • Future coaches are influencers on their communities

  • Lessons on skateboarding inclusion are application elsewhere in life

Skateboarding for Health Pathway

As you read through the upcoming pathway, take note of anything you feel is missing or could be improved. You can add your suggestions via the survey link at the bottom of this page.

Skateboarding for Health Pathway



(What we do)

Mid Term Outcomes

Increased self-esteem, confidence, motivation and aspiration

Increased awareness, knowledge and understanding of benefits of skateboarding and physical activity related to health

Increased social cohesion between participants of all genders

Increased body confidence and sport involvement

Improved social skills eg. tolerance, empathy

Reduced instances of bullying

Increased access to and participants actively seek counselling services

Increased proactive use of skateboarding as a tool for improving or sustaining good physical and mental health

Long Term Outcomes

Adoption of active lifestyle and ongoing participation in physical activity throughout their lives

Improved wellbeing: feelings of happiness and belonging

Improved physical and mental health

Reduced stress/anxiety levels

Reduction/recovery from drug/alcohol abuse

Participants develop healthier eating habits

Participants feel empowered to make healthy and positive life choices

Reduced social isolation/ loneliness by meeting others with same interests

Increased social connectedness, sense of belonging and community

Short Term Outcomes

Intended impact

Skateboarding is seen and valued as a means to improving physical and mental health and wellbeing amongst children and youth, and a route to sustaining physical activity levels and a healthy lifestyle in the long term

Skateboarding sessions/lessons

Vocational training


Quality informal or formal education

Leadership training / volunteer program

Mentoring and homework help

Outreach and referrals (ie. mental health)

Providing equipment and food

Building education and/or skateboarding facilities

Increased access to, and participation in skateboarding, especially for disadvantaged and marginalized groups

Participants share fun, positive experiences and increased social interactions

Participants feel safe and inspired to participate

Increased time spent being physically active

Safe skateboarding spaces / infrastructure is available

Trainers/ Trainees continue to gain experience

Skateboarding for Health Pathway


Intervention Assumptions

  • Accepting failure/trying again builds resilience

  • Skateboarding can contribute to positive physical and mental health

  • Projects have enough qualified staff & resources to meet participants holistic needs

Contextual Assumptions

  • Healthy food is available

  • Community encourages sports/activities

  • Support services (in-house or referral) for drug abuse rehab are available

  • Participants can access skateboards and skate spaces after leaving program

  • Youth willing to express themselves around mental health

Domino Effect Assumptions

  • Youth in skate programs are happier and healthier

  • With more demand, more facilities will be created

  • Skateparks and spaces can have positive effects on the wider community i.e. drive away misuse of public spaces

We want to hear from you!

In order to make sure that this draft Theory of Change is relevant across the social skateboarding community, we need to gather feedback and input from as many social skate projects as possible!

Let us know if the TOC represents and aligns with the actual work and objectives of your organization by answering a few questions in our survey below: